So I think I am now going to be encouraging people to move on over to the xkcd:could be better! message board and post there rather than here. It's more conducive to the sort of thing we're trying to get at here.

e-mail me comments...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

564: Crossbow

Today's comic has thousands of possibilities. Of course, Ray will make the best one, but the person who makes the second best could be YOU!


  1. Here is my inferior comic (I am totally sick today).

  2. Dayum, ray. No need to be so modest, it's excellent :p

  3. Okey dokey, I gave it a good two-minutes-worth of go.
    Can't say I know how to do anything more than basic text in these comments, so have fun copy-pastin' :(

  4. Apologies for crude humor, but this particular xkcd was particularly infuriating.

    With alt-text (not satisfied with this one, but I want to sleep real bad)

  5. Ray I am sick too! It sucks a lot.

    Good job everybody, I have of course enjoyed all these far more than the comic itself.

  6. Well, I wasn't going to post this because I thought it would be a bit too dark but as long as Timofei has gone and set a precedent:

    NOTE: rape is not funny, people! this comic is meant to satirize and mock it, not glorify it! don't get mad!

    Also Timofei: your Plurk links just show a tiny version of the comic, there is no alt-text.

  7. ahahah Carl. STOP GLORIFYING RAPE

    And Timofei's links lead me to a page with only one little box of text and it reads "XXXbows" for me, on this one. I have been assuming that was the alt text?

  8. I guess it's comforting (should it be?) that, when I see an image of two guys holding crossbows flanking a woman, my very first thought is 'International Talk Like a Crossbow Day' instead of rape as appears to be the norm :p

    Also Carl that last panel is perfect creepy.

  9. Incidentally, inkscape is a really great program.

  10. For a bunch of comic critics, these all suck with a notable exception. (We all know who that is.)

    It's really not as easy coming up with a new humorous idea every two days as you might think...
    I sure could never do it for a living or I would be starving.

  11. The alt-text is the first reply. Sorry, if that was confusing. That's how Randall posts alt-texts on his plurk.

  12. Anonymous, you don't get it. These are amusing because they are twisting what has already been created by Randall. "lol rape" isn't funny in a vacuum, but *Megan*. *Randall*. *XKCD*.

  13. Since I kinda thought this was a Half-Life reference, I went ahead and made that the joke.
    See here.
    Alt text: All that time I spent playing Half-Life instead of programming in Perl finally pays off.
    or: If it wasn't for Megan, he'd have run out of lithium batteries to heat his crossbow bolts.
